Sedona Method NHS Offer

Sedona Method
NHS Offer
6 Week Course
Just 1 hour week with me for a six-week period to learn various techniques including the Sedona Method
at Colchester General Hospital

Book Your Place
Contact me for further information including dates and times and how to sign up for the course.

Phone 07545839601
or email

Thank you for attending
I hope you found the Introductory session helpful and relaxing

I have developed a six-week program to teach you a whole repertoire of techniques to stop your suffering with anxiety and stress

This amazing opportunity is only open to NHS employees for the incredible price of £60 (£10:00 a session)

Within the 6 week course we will be covering the following topics

Diving in
Holistic Releasing
Letting go in Relationships
Letting go in Health and Wellbeing
Letting go of Debt and Finance

This will give you a solid foundation of technics and support that you can use for the rest of your life.