Course Feedback

Self Audit Five Day Course

Click on the different modules below to see the workbook and exercises
Overview of 6 week course to help them develop their ideas
Below is the different modules that I feel sit within this 6 week follow-on course. It would be useful to me if you can confirm if you think they are in the right order.

I was not sure whether validating your idea should be week 1 as opposed to week 2

Included in the course will be exercises and videos
I was also thinking about the price point of £250 with maybe a 2 month payment plan of £125

Week 1
Introduction – How to work through the modules

Week 1
Business Plan – Type of business, this will be around an overview of the different types of a Service or Product Model

Week 2
Validating your idea – research to see what is already out there

Week 3
Who is your ideal client?

Week 4
Create your offer – what is included as part of the sale

Week 5
Market your offer and content how will you reach you clients – social media

Week 6
Delivering and Customer Service, Testimonials physical product or service delivery. Getting your first sale